Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stop Polluting Our Environment

You and your family, as well as neighbors and friends fill up garbage pails for the trash man to take away at least once every week. Some of us separate items like plastic, paper, cans and bottles for recycling. This is a fairly new concept and is going a long way to help the environment. Instead of clogging up the earth with this non-biodegradable stuff, we recycle and use it over and over again.

But what about the other garbage that is not recycled; things like leftover food, wrappings, disposable diapers, and all the other products and materials that do not go into the recycle bin. Here is the basis for a good earth science project for science fair or just for general information purposes.

What you and your family do can make a difference. If everyone observed the best methods of helping to keep the environment clean, we will all go a long way towards being green. Garbage that is biodegradable is good for the environment. Garbage that is not biodegradable and is not recycled is very bad for the environment.

A "biodegradable" product has the ability to break down by biological means, into the raw materials of nature and disappear into the environment. These products can be solids biodegrading into the soil or liquids biodegrading into water. More good ideas for an earth science fair project or just for information.

In nature everything is biodegradable. Nature has perfected this system-we find new ways every day to screw it up.

The products we manufacture have been altered by industry in such a way that they are unrecognizable to the microorganisms and enzymes that return natural materials to their natural state. Instead of returning to the cycle of life, these products simply pollute and litter our land, air, and water. Look into this for an earth science project or for a science fair.

Leaves on trees are excellent examples of biodegradable products made in the spring, used by the plant for photosynthesis in the summer, and dropping to the ground in autumn, and assimilated into the soil to nourish the plant for the next season.

Soap is an organic product that is biodegradable. The soapy grey water from a single household may biodegrade easily in a backyard, however, if that soap went down a line that fed into a waterway with the soap used by a million residents that live along that waterway, there may be waves of soapsuds on the beaches, simply because more soap would be going into the waterway than it has microorganisms to biodegrade.

Here's how long it takes for some products to biodegrade:

Rags 1-5 months

Paper 2-5 months

Rope 3-14 months

Orange peel 6 months

Wool socks 1 to 5 years

Cigarettes 1 to 12 years

Leather shoes 25 to 40 years

Nylon fabric 30 to 40 years

Tin cans 50 to 100 years

Glass 1 million years

Plastic Forever

Try one of these interesting environment related science fair projects. You'll be surprised to learn what you can do about pollution.

Is solar energy really practical? Can this renewable energy source help get the planet back on track, and close the hole in the ozone layer?

Can the solar system turn a propeller? an you harness the energy of the solar system and get the sun to turn a propeller? Can be adapted to any grade.

Can I collect and store solar energy? You will attempt to use the sun to demonstrate just what solar energy can do. For lower grade levels.

What substance attracts and holds the most solar energy? All of you in the middle and lower grades who like to play in the sun will love this project. It's all about the sand and the water and other substances and how much sun they attract and hold.

What do people throw away? It's a garbage project! Learn how to sort, record, and calculate as you go through the trash. Great for elementary but offers lots of suggestions that could make this project very appropriate for middle school students as well.

Where in my neighborhood is it most polluted? This very enlightening project will help you to determine the most unpolluted area in your neighborhood. It will give you insights of how people are polluting the environment. Good for elementary grades.

How does environmentally friendly antifreeze perform compared to traditional antifreeze? Everyone should consider the impact of chemicals on our environment. In this experiment you can determine just how effective environmental antifreeze is! Great project for high school students.

How to set up an experiment in biogas (methane) production. Using organic wastes, a digester produces biogas that is similar to natural gas and can be used as a feasible energy alternative. This experiment will demonstrate the principals of a digester and the characteristics of biogas.

What are the effects of acid rain on seed germination and plant life? For all of you environmentalists who are aware that pollution is becoming a factor around the planet, here is a fascinating project that will enable you to really determine just what effect acid rain has on new plant life.

An Environmental Science Degree

The world is changing faster now than at any time since the last ice-age 10,000 years ago and the major cause of that change is man. To allow the changes to continue unchecked is reckless at the least. Monitoring those changes and being able to convince others that we have to do or not do activities that affect the environment will take well qualified people with the relevant environmental science degree.

It has often been said that the education offered in colleges and universities are a direct response to the job market and the trends therein. If this is so then the future for professionals with an environmental science degree could not be much brighter.

After the industrial and the informational age, we are quickly entering the environmental age, where the environment and its characteristics are of paramount importance.

Never before, as a society, have we paid real attention to the environment and many would argue we still do not pay enough attention. Continuous exploitation of the earths natural resources and constant generation of heat and waste products have caused significant damage to the environment.

We live in an age where knowing, understanding and adapting to the environment is no longer a choice – it is the only way ahead. This age demands qualified professionals, especially those with professional environmental science degrees.

A number of allied degrees find their place alongside conventional environmental science degrees. Big business has, for a long time, been required to comply with safety and industrial security requirements. In industries like biotechnology, due to the nature of the products, there are numerous opportunities for disaster.

Disaster management and hazardous material management are fields of study that are very much in demand by today’s high technology industries. While often these studies are not comprehensive enough to be offered as science degrees by themselves, these courses are more often than not partnered with environmental science degrees as part of a package deal.

For the environmental science degree student, it can be an advantage. While pursuing their main course of study, they can get qualifications in a number of allied fields. This makes them thorough professionals and capable of entering a wide range of industries when they graduate with their environmental science degree.

As a result of the long-standing lobbying activities, the United States is home to some of the worlds largest and best funded environmental groups and many professionals, working for these groups, have environmental science degrees.

Jobs exist with government bodies, lobbying positions with political groups and corporate organizations, research positions with foundations and other research organizations. More opportunities exist in the environmental safety departments of leading oil majors and even faculty positions at colleges offering environmental science degrees. They all offer lucrative positions that professionals with an environmental science degree can hope to secure.

An environmental science degree does not deal with environmental topics alone. Due to the very nature of their work, professionals who acquire an environmental science degree need to be equipped with allied subjects like compliance, law, criminal justice, and public communication.

The courses of study that ultimately lead to a environmental science degree are varied and interesting. Someone with an environmental science degree is likely to be tasked with protecting our environment as a result we need the very best!

If you have a concern about the World we live in or a desire and determination to do something to improve a steadily deteriorating habitat, then an environmental science degree would be an excellent place to start.

Anyone aspiring to be an environmental professional would typically need to go in for a BS Environmental Science Degree before going for an MS or a PhD in Environmental Studies.

Environment science degrees are offered in all major colleges and universities across the United States and the Western World. An environmental science degree can be taken full-time, part-time or by distance learning so whatever your circumstances you can contribute.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How to creat the Best Project On Science Fair

A science fair project is always a highlight of the school year - one of those times that students can demonstrate their capabilities and creativity. But for many students, one of the most difficult steps is just getting started. Before you can plan your project, and even before you pick a topic, you must first understand the different types of science fair projects. It's very important to choose the right type of project, or all of your effort could be wasted.

There are three different methods you can use for your science fair project: building (or modeling), demonstrating or investigating. When picking among them, there are two things to consider. First, you need to choose the type required by the science fair rules, so make sure you check with your teacher. Second, if you have a choice, pick the type that will enable you to show what you're best at doing.

The Model Building Method

The model building method is the kind of project which, as the name implies, enables you to construct a model, to scale whenever possible, to illustrate a specific scientific principle. This can often be a real working machine, such as a simple crystal radio set, or a straightforward model, such as one of the solar system. Many of us have seen the model of an erupting volcano in which the chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar causes realistic looking 'lava' flows down the sides of a 'mountain'. These models can be fun to build and quite spectacular - but they are often more suited to elementary school science fairs because of the relative lack of real 'science' or creativity in most of them. Having said that, though, there can be some spectacular models produced by higher grade level students; especially if the model is actually demonstrating something new.

The Demonstration

The demonstration or descriptive method of research is again fairly self-explanatory. Here, you might display a collection of objects or interesting artifacts (for example, your rock collection) connected with a topic (geology) and describe them in detail on your display board, or in your report or speech. Alternatively, you might produce a poster or visual display about a topic on which you have carried out extensive research -climate change is understandably very popular at the present time. If you choose this form of project, again you are not attempting new science; rather, you are illustrating and explaining scientific principles already known.

The Scientific Experiment (Investigation)

It is with the third of the possible methods that you can provide what most science fairs for older students are looking for - proper scientific experiments using scientific methods to construct and test a hypothesis and draw conclusions from it. If you have ambitions in science, or want to progress to regional or even national science fairs, then this is the area that you really should be looking into. And the choice of science fair project topics is limitless. Decide where your major interest lies - it might be biology, chemistry or physics but it could also be earth science, environmental science, sports science, meteorology or computer science - and then try to develop your own hypothesis and method of testing it. There are many different books and web sites from which you can obtain ideas, but remember, the more individual and unique your project, the better your chances of winning.

Finally, to assure your success, always remain in contact with your teacher about what you are doing, and confirm that you fully understand the science fair rules and guidelines. Then, whichever type of project you decide to undertake, you can enjoy it with confidence!

Stop Polluting Our Environment

You and your family, as well as neighbors and friends fill up garbage pails for the trash man to take away at least once every week. Some of us separate items like plastic, paper, cans and bottles for recycling. This is a fairly new concept and is going a long way to help the environment. Instead of clogging up the earth with this non-biodegradable stuff, we recycle and use it over and over again.

But what about the other garbage that is not recycled; things like leftover food, wrappings, disposable diapers, and all the other products and materials that do not go into the recycle bin. Here is the basis for a good earth science project for science fair or just for general information purposes.

What you and your family do can make a difference. If everyone observed the best methods of helping to keep the environment clean, we will all go a long way towards being green. Garbage that is biodegradable is good for the environment. Garbage that is not biodegradable and is not recycled is very bad for the environment.

A "biodegradable" product has the ability to break down by biological means, into the raw materials of nature and disappear into the environment. These products can be solids biodegrading into the soil or liquids biodegrading into water. More good ideas for an earth science fair project or just for information.

In nature everything is biodegradable. Nature has perfected this system-we find new ways every day to screw it up.

The products we manufacture have been altered by industry in such a way that they are unrecognizable to the microorganisms and enzymes that return natural materials to their natural state. Instead of returning to the cycle of life, these products simply pollute and litter our land, air, and water. Look into this for an earth science project or for a science fair.

Leaves on trees are excellent examples of biodegradable products made in the spring, used by the plant for photosynthesis in the summer, and dropping to the ground in autumn, and assimilated into the soil to nourish the plant for the next season.

Soap is an organic product that is biodegradable. The soapy grey water from a single household may biodegrade easily in a backyard, however, if that soap went down a line that fed into a waterway with the soap used by a million residents that live along that waterway, there may be waves of soapsuds on the beaches, simply because more soap would be going into the waterway than it has microorganisms to biodegrade.

Here's how long it takes for some products to biodegrade:

Rags 1-5 months

Paper 2-5 months

Rope 3-14 months

Orange peel 6 months

Wool socks 1 to 5 years

Cigarettes 1 to 12 years

Leather shoes 25 to 40 years

Nylon fabric 30 to 40 years

Tin cans 50 to 100 years

Glass 1 million years

Plastic Forever

Try one of these interesting environment related science fair projects. You'll be surprised to learn what you can do about pollution.

Is solar energy really practical? Can this renewable energy source help get the planet back on track, and close the hole in the ozone layer?

Can the solar system turn a propeller? an you harness the energy of the solar system and get the sun to turn a propeller? Can be adapted to any grade.

Can I collect and store solar energy? You will attempt to use the sun to demonstrate just what solar energy can do. For lower grade levels.

What substance attracts and holds the most solar energy? All of you in the middle and lower grades who like to play in the sun will love this project. It's all about the sand and the water and other substances and how much sun they attract and hold.

What do people throw away? It's a garbage project! Learn how to sort, record, and calculate as you go through the trash. Great for elementary but offers lots of suggestions that could make this project very appropriate for middle school students as well.

Where in my neighborhood is it most polluted? This very enlightening project will help you to determine the most unpolluted area in your neighborhood. It will give you insights of how people are polluting the environment. Good for elementary grades.

How does environmentally friendly antifreeze perform compared to traditional antifreeze? Everyone should consider the impact of chemicals on our environment. In this experiment you can determine just how effective environmental antifreeze is! Great project for high school students.

How to set up an experiment in biogas (methane) production. Using organic wastes, a digester produces biogas that is similar to natural gas and can be used as a feasible energy alternative. This experiment will demonstrate the principals of a digester and the characteristics of biogas.

What are the effects of acid rain on seed germination and plant life? For all of you environmentalists who are aware that pollution is becoming a factor around the planet, here is a fascinating project that will enable you to really determine just what effect acid rain has on new plant life.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Importance Of Environment Characters And Environmental Sciences

The world is changing faster now than at any time since the last ice-age 10,000 years ago and the major cause of that change is man. To allow the changes to continue unchecked is reckless at the least. Monitoring those changes and being able to convince others that we have to do or not do activities that affect the environment will take well qualified people with the relevant environmental science degree.

It has often been said that the education offered in colleges and universities are a direct response to the job market and the trends therein. If this is so then the future for professionals with an environmental science degree could not be much brighter.

After the industrial and the informational age, we are quickly entering the environmental age, where the environment and its characteristics are of paramount importance.

Never before, as a society, have we paid real attention to the environment and many would argue we still do not pay enough attention. Continuous exploitation of the earths natural resources and constant generation of heat and waste products have caused significant damage to the environment.

We live in an age where knowing, understanding and adapting to the environment is no longer a choice – it is the only way ahead. This age demands qualified professionals, especially those with professional environmental science degrees.

A number of allied degrees find their place alongside conventional environmental science degrees. Big business has, for a long time, been required to comply with safety and industrial security requirements. In industries like biotechnology, due to the nature of the products, there are numerous opportunities for disaster.

Disaster management and hazardous material management are fields of study that are very much in demand by today’s high technology industries. While often these studies are not comprehensive enough to be offered as science degrees by themselves, these courses are more often than not partnered with environmental science degrees as part of a package deal.

For the environmental science degree student, it can be an advantage. While pursuing their main course of study, they can get qualifications in a number of allied fields. This makes them thorough professionals and capable of entering a wide range of industries when they graduate with their environmental science degree.

As a result of the long-standing lobbying activities, the United States is home to some of the worlds largest and best funded environmental groups and many professionals, working for these groups, have environmental science degrees.

Jobs exist with government bodies, lobbying positions with political groups and corporate organizations, research positions with foundations and other research organizations. More opportunities exist in the environmental safety departments of leading oil majors and even faculty positions at colleges offering environmental science degrees. They all offer lucrative positions that professionals with an environmental science degree can hope to secure.

An environmental science degree does not deal with environmental topics alone. Due to the very nature of their work, professionals who acquire an environmental science degree need to be equipped with allied subjects like compliance, law, criminal justice, and public communication.

The courses of study that ultimately lead to a environmental science degree are varied and interesting. Someone with an environmental science degree is likely to be tasked with protecting our environment as a result we need the very best!

If you have a concern about the World we live in or a desire and determination to do something to improve a steadily deteriorating habitat, then an environmental science degree would be an excellent place to start.

Anyone aspiring to be an environmental professional would typically need to go in for a BS Environmental Science Degree before going for an MS or a PhD in Environmental Studies.

Environment science degrees are offered in all major colleges and universities across the United States and the Western World. An environmental science degree can be taken full-time, part-time or by distance learning so whatever your circumstances you can contribute.

General Information On Earth Science Projects And Environment

You and your family, as well as neighbors and friends fill up garbage pails for the trash man to take away at least once every week. Some of us separate items like plastic, paper, cans and bottles for recycling. This is a fairly new concept and is going a long way to help the environment. Instead of clogging up the earth with this non-biodegradable stuff, we recycle and use it over and over again.

But what about the other garbage that is not recycled; things like leftover food, wrappings, disposable diapers, and all the other products and materials that do not go into the recycle bin. Here is the basis for a good earth science project for science fair or just for general information purposes.

What you and your family do can make a difference. If everyone observed the best methods of helping to keep the environment clean, we will all go a long way towards being green. Garbage that is biodegradable is good for the environment. Garbage that is not biodegradable and is not recycled is very bad for the environment.

A "biodegradable" product has the ability to break down by biological means, into the raw materials of nature and disappear into the environment. These products can be solids biodegrading into the soil or liquids biodegrading into water. More good ideas for an earth science fair project or just for information.

In nature everything is biodegradable. Nature has perfected this system-we find new ways every day to screw it up.

The products we manufacture have been altered by industry in such a way that they are unrecognizable to the microorganisms and enzymes that return natural materials to their natural state. Instead of returning to the cycle of life, these products simply pollute and litter our land, air, and water. Look into this for an earth science project or for a science fair.

Leaves on trees are excellent examples of biodegradable products made in the spring, used by the plant for photosynthesis in the summer, and dropping to the ground in autumn, and assimilated into the soil to nourish the plant for the next season.

Soap is an organic product that is biodegradable. The soapy grey water from a single household may biodegrade easily in a backyard, however, if that soap went down a line that fed into a waterway with the soap used by a million residents that live along that waterway, there may be waves of soapsuds on the beaches, simply because more soap would be going into the waterway than it has microorganisms to biodegrade.

Here's how long it takes for some products to biodegrade:

Rags 1-5 months

Paper 2-5 months

Rope 3-14 months

Orange peel 6 months

Wool socks 1 to 5 years

Cigarettes 1 to 12 years

Leather shoes 25 to 40 years

Nylon fabric 30 to 40 years

Tin cans 50 to 100 years

Glass 1 million years

Plastic Forever

Try one of these interesting environment related science fair projects. You'll be surprised to learn what you can do about pollution.

Is solar energy really practical? Can this renewable energy source help get the planet back on track, and close the hole in the ozone layer?

Can the solar system turn a propeller? an you harness the energy of the solar system and get the sun to turn a propeller? Can be adapted to any grade.

Can I collect and store solar energy? You will attempt to use the sun to demonstrate just what solar energy can do. For lower grade levels.

What substance attracts and holds the most solar energy? All of you in the middle and lower grades who like to play in the sun will love this project. It's all about the sand and the water and other substances and how much sun they attract and hold.

What do people throw away? It's a garbage project! Learn how to sort, record, and calculate as you go through the trash. Great for elementary but offers lots of suggestions that could make this project very appropriate for middle school students as well.

Where in my neighborhood is it most polluted? This very enlightening project will help you to determine the most unpolluted area in your neighborhood. It will give you insights of how people are polluting the environment. Good for elementary grades.

How does environmentally friendly antifreeze perform compared to traditional antifreeze? Everyone should consider the impact of chemicals on our environment. In this experiment you can determine just how effective environmental antifreeze is! Great project for high school students.

How to set up an experiment in biogas (methane) production. Using organic wastes, a digester produces biogas that is similar to natural gas and can be used as a feasible energy alternative. This experiment will demonstrate the principals of a digester and the characteristics of biogas.

What are the effects of acid rain on seed germination and plant life? For all of you environmentalists who are aware that pollution is becoming a factor around the planet, here is a fascinating project that will enable you to really determine just what effect acid rain has on new plant life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Environment Awareness Through Computers

Okay so why write about it? Well because there was once a time that i needed to know how to connect two computers together and I couldn't find any articles to help me and no links on the internet that had it in detail, so this is for the people that might experience the same.

So let's begin!

Firstly you will need to know how exactly your two PC's are going to connect. So here it is. The computers will connect directly to each other therefore no hub will be needed. For those of you that don't know, a hub is just a device that connects computers in a network via UTP STRAIGHT THROUGH cables.

The reason why I wrote straight through in caps is because this is not what you will be using to connect the two computers. Instead you will be using cross over cables. You can get this from a local computer store for relatively cheap. Or if you feel like doing work then make it, its really easy. If you need any help, then a Google search on how to make crossover cables will help alot. The reason why I don't tell you how, because I'm telling you how to connect two computers not create crossovers.

Anyways that's all the requirements you'll need, just a cross over cable. (Please note; if you buying or making a cross over, make sure it's at least cat5e UTP cables.)

Now that we got that out of the way, let's get to work!


On each computer, right click on "My Computer". Click Properties and then click on the "Computer Name" tab. Where it says "Computer description:" Give each computer a description (It must not be the same). Now click on the "change" so that you can change the name of the computer and create a workgroup. In the name option give it the same name you gave it for its description and in the workgroup section type in "my first network" (REMEMBER: Names of the computers should NOT be the same, BUT Workgroup names should be EXACT the same on both) Now once you change these, you will be asked to restart the computer, so simply click yes or ok, whatever you are prompted with.

Step 2

After the computers are rebooted you will need to setup IP addresses for each computer. This is how:

On your desktop, look for the icon named "My Network Places". Now dpouble click it to open it.

Once open look on the left to see an option "view network connections" and click on it.

Now right click on local area network and click properties.

Where it says "This connection uses the following items:"; scroll down to "Iternet Protocol (TCP/IP)", click on it and click the properties button.

Now click on "Use the following IP address" and at "IP Address" type in an IP address e.g

Although you do the same steps for both computers you must have different IP addresses so you can make the second computers IP address

After you set the IP addresses just press the tab button and you should get a number in the subnet mask as, then press ok and wait a while and now you almost done!

Step 3

This is the easiest part; just take you cross over cable and connect to each computers network card RJ45 port. That's it you now will be able to see the computers in "My Network Places". You may start sharing files!

Awareness And Care On Environment

When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment. You will have to--global warming is the sign of the end-times approaching. And you will be interested in the court judgment in early February 2008 against the Environmental Protection Agency.

The federal appeals court rejected the plan of the EPA to curb mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants. The court said the EPA was acting in direct opposition to orders from congress. In 2007 the US Supreme Court ruled against the EPA for failing to regulate greenhouse gases. This latest court judgment is another mark against the Bush administration for its environmental policies.

One-third of mercury emissions in the US come from coal-fired power plants. Mercury is known to drop out of the air and get into lakes and rivers where it ends up in the flesh of fish. People who eat the fish eat the mercury too. Mercury is a neuro toxin and contact with a little mercury will kill a person. And if a pregnant mother eats fish with mercury in it her child can suffer developmentally because of the poison.

The EPA in 2005 came up with a plan to trade mercury emissions, a little like the European "cap-and-trade" system for greenhouse gases. Those who pollute more must buy credits from those who pollute less.

Environmentalists have worried that those living near heavily-polluting power plants will live in a pollution "hot spot" but be able to do nothing about it. They sued the EPA and have won the case. So the cap-and-trade system will not go into effect for mercury emissions. Meanwhile, no plan is in effect to regulate mercury emissions, and the greater danger looms on the horizon--greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are polluting the air in ever-increasing amounts. They are blamed for the warming temperatures of the earth, keeping in the heat from the sun like a greenhouse but not letting it escape.

The earth has been warming steadily for 20 years with no end in sight. Predictions from scientists are dire. There will be mass extinctions among living creatures on earth. There is a consensus among scientists of the world about global warming. And this agrees with the prediction of Jesus Christ. When He was asked about the end-times He described them as a summer.

He told the simple parable of the fig tree. When the fig tree starts to blossom, you know that summer is near. That "summer" is how Jesus described the end-times. And that is how the modern scientists confess the world is ending too.

Natural disasters have already increased in number and severity. There have been increases in floods and droughts, wildfires and windstorms. Never before in recorded history has this been seen. When you are sealed you will begin to care about the environment. However, there is little you can do to save the earth. You can vote and take action to reduce your own carbon footprint. But you can not reduce emissions in developing countries where they will grow the fastest.

When you are sealed you will prepare yourself spiritually to meet God. You will recognize the end-times approaching and prepare yourself for a home in Heaven instead of on earth when you receive the Seal.